Monday, March 14, 2011

Reading other's blogs

I so enjoy reading my friend's blogs. I really don't care that much about reading someone's blog i've never met. I really have no investment in them. However when I read the blog of a fellow co-worker, I can hear their voice, it makes me smile and realize why this person is a part of my life. I hope more people start blogging.

I have a few requests tho:

1: Keep it real always... A friend of mine recently put on her blog that people don't like to read negativity. Honestly, I would rather read realness than Suzie Sunshine all the time. Life is crappy sometimes and I know the best way to vent is write it down. I think that is when I do my best writing. I really like to hear all of a person and not just some what of they say. So hey girl.. keep it real.. it's why we love you! :)

2. Keep the pictures coming! and Videos :) They make it pop.

That's about it.

Three new tee vee things I love...

1. Shameless.

2. Big Love season finale

3. The freaking Celebrity Apprentice ?

Don't ask about number 3.. I just found myself enthralled in it last night and couldn't stop watching it. Probably because it was related to children's books :)

A list of all the books I've read this year:

Girl With the Dragon Tattoo
In Cold Blood
Water for Elephants
Jane Eyre
Sense and Sensibility
Eating the Dinosaur
Bad things Happen
Dead and Gone
Dead in the Family
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
The Handmaid's Tale
I am Legend
Hunger Games
Devils of Bakersfield ---cool title crappy book
Enders Game
Catching Fire
and i'm currently reading Money: A Suicide Note-- Not to into it.. may have to skip.

I am a machine. I don't really have a goal this year. Just enjoying my new passion.

Peace ya'll :) Keep it greasy.

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