Monday, February 7, 2011

A little Sad

As I sit here on my day off, I had anticipated reading Hunger Games and just letting my mind wander wherever it wanted to go. However, I started surfing the next and thought about going to my old church's website to check it out. I do that from time to time because I miss a lot of those who I went there with. I noticed that the whole website and the whole staff had changed.

I just sat there and shook my head in disbelief. I read some of the new "doctrines" of the church, and I realized why. The idea of women in leadership.. such a touchy subject of the gospels was right there. There are many different ideas on this and in all honesty the bible is quite clear. Women worked within ministry, and often led ministry.

The bible is clear that women should not suffer under a man who is not godly. The bible is clear that man shouldn't suffer a woman. The clear thing seems to be the word suffer. I'm just sure the bible is clear that we shouldn't suffer each other at all but work together to build.

I know 2 things for sure. It was deeply painful for me to leave church. I know how much I miss fellowshiping with other believers.

These two things being said, what do i do about it?

That's kinda where I am.

Listening to these pod casts brings up wounds. I could have told you that the main idea of the pastor that was hired when I left was to get rid of women leadership within the church. In fact I did, and the only person who listened to me passed away a few years ago. I miss him. He was a good man.

I wish you nothing but the best Mike. You were always good to me and if it matters you did make a difference in my life.